空と海が完璧に溶け合った深夜に輝く湾岸の工場地帯は立ち込めた霧に飲みこまれ、 眼界を覆い尽くした雲煙のように波音は闇に溶けて静まり返る。 漆黒の東京湾は慌ただしくも冷静で、巨大な機械が発するノイズにも似た悲嗚を、 立ち去る人影やテールランプと共に無関心な様相でぼんやり消し去った。 終末を迎えた黒い情景は多くを語らずも全てを把握する。

In the dead of night when the sky and the sea are perfectly melting into each other, the luminous industrial area along the bay is caught by the veiling fog, while the sound of waves is fading into darkness for a great silence like clouds and smoke obscuring the visibility. Tokyo-Bay in coal-black is unquiet and calm, erasing the screams like noises from huge machines as well as people walking away and tail lamps obscurely in a state of indifference. The black landscape coming to an end understands everything without talking a lot.